Interview with Vijay Devkar, the Location Manager of Hindi Feature Film, Tumbbad > FilmapiaCrewTalks
Location hunting went on for 6 years, and from the start to end, the making of this film went on for 12 years!
As Cinema, Tumbbad stands out for its exquisite visual drama, dark mood, and haunting background score.
But Tumbbad also scores great on the locations used in the movie as well! From ancient looking "wadas" to a remote hut in the middle of nowhere. The location scouting for this was no cakewalk, especially for the Location Manager Vijay Devkar.
We speak to Vijay Devkar who made the locations possible - from scouting to making tricky and tough arrangements to ensure the shoot continues!
Interview Video here :
For complete list of locations used in this Movie, check here - Tumbbad Shooting Locations!